fruit madjoul dates palm optical digital sorting grading machine with camera
dates optical digital sorting machine multepak
can sort dates by sizes (diameter or length) , configurable Surface texture (for example depth and density), configurable color, configurable Reject defective fruits (dark or injured, accuracy 1 mm)
If you sort the defect, size, color of dates with manual work, the production costs can be very high. optical dates sorter can solve above-mentioned sorting problem, furthest reduce labor cost and administration expense, bring about the highest profit.
Advanced machine-vision identification system with friendly user interface;
Capable of grading by size, weight, shape, color, defect;
To furthest reduce the labor costs and increase profits;
Uniform size and luster of graded fruit;
Increasing added value of fruit product, reducing loss of juice, prolonging the shelf life;
Equip with dates washing ,drying ,packing(etc)machine to achieve the whole dates production line.